
Showing posts from August, 2021

Strassen's method

If you have seen matrices before, then you probably know how to multiply them. If $A = (a_{ij})$ and $B = (b_{ij})$ are square $n \times n$ matrices, then in the product $C = A \times B$, we define the entry $c_{ij}$ for $i, j = 1, 2, ..., n$, by $$c_{ij} = \sum_{k=0}^n a_{ik} . b_{kj}$$ You might at first think that any matrix multiplication algorithm must take $Ω(n^3)$ time, since the natural definition of matrix multiplication requires that many multiplications. You would be incorrect, however: we have a way to multiply matrices in less time than that. In this article, we shall see Strassen’s remarkable recursive algorithm for multiplying $n \times n$ matrices. It runs in $Θ(n^{\log_2 7})$ time, which is asymptotically better than the straightforward approach. [1]   Strassen’s method The strassen’s method makes the recursion tree slightly less bushy by performing only 7 recursive multiplications of sub-matrices instead of 8. Strassen’s method is not at all obvious and it involves fo