Message Processor Coordination Support in WSO2 ESB
INTRODUCTION In general Message Processor is used to achieve guaranteed delivery where messages sent to the JMS queue never get lost even though the back end is down. In case of a failure of the backend, the message processor keeps on retrying sending message to the endpoint a specified number of attempts (defaults to 4) and deactivates itself afterward. It never removes the message from the queue until it is dispatched to the backend successfully. Also message processor ensures in order delivery of messages to the backend. In this article I am going to explain you Message Processor coordination support in WSO2 ESB where we go a step beyond in order to achieve high availability and scalability . Coordination support of the Message Processor comes into play when you run it in cluster mode. Therefore we need to have a cluster setup with one manager and two worker nodes with us to move on further. You may refer my article [1] to create a cluster setup which is a necessary prerequisite...